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Succession Planning – The Four Imperatives to Success

The basic concept of succession planning is nothing new. Throughout history, every organization in the world has engaged in some type of planning for future talent needs, either actively or passively. Every entity who needs people to operate must replace people when they are gone.

We see this in our daily lives and in the media—it was well-known that Jay Leno was to be the successor for Johnny Carson and now Conan O’Brian will fill Jay’s shoes. Whether a company pays attention to it or not, the succession of people is often the difference in an organization’s sustainable success.

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HR/OD Consultants

 HR/OD Consultants Use Our Solutions To Help Their Clients…

  • Create success models and to have an objective way to measure new and existing team members against these models
  • Increase their chances of hiring the right people – to make sure that the right organizational structure AND the right people are in place
  • Effectively develop their most important asset - their people
  • Add objectivity to their succession planning process
  • Improve team individual and team performance

To learn more about these benefits visit our home page.

If you are an HR/OD consultant who wants to learn more about our unique certification process, please see our Certification page.

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Corporate HR

Corporate HR and Business Leaders

Our corporate clients like the fact that we provide integrated but modular solutions. They appreciate the completeness of the system and the flexibility of being able to focus on their immediate needs.

Corporate HR and Business Leaders Use our Solutions:

  • To create success models and to have an objective way to measure new and existing team members against these models
  • To increase their chances of hiring the right people
  • To effectively develop their most important asset - their people
  • To add objectivity to their succession planning process
  • To improve team individual and team performance

To learn more about these benefits click Optimal Performance Process on the side menu bar or visit our home page.

To learn more about our unique certification process, please see our Certification page.

If you are interested in more information on how to hire and develop excellent consultative sales professionals, please go to our product section and click on “SalesMax”.

For cost effective tools to help you select the best entry-level candidates, we recommend our Select Associate Screening System— a family of related tests designed to measure important, work-related, personality characteristics in applicants for entry-level jobs.

Contact us to learn more about how to improve your total selection process.

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Define Success

Define Success

Looking to Create A Model for Organizational Success

Assess Competency Modeling or Strategic Success Modeling (SSM) is a process by which an organization can easily develop a targeted competency model for a position or group of positions, or can update an existing competency model.

Use our unique process to translate business strategy in HR practices – using a common language to define the behaviours that are necessary to successfully execute strategy.



Business Strategy

With the Optimal Assessment Process and the Assess suite of tools, once a competency model has been created it can be loaded into the Assess on-line system. Candidates – both internal and external can log into the system and complete Assess, a business assessment instrument that measures 24 personality traits in three major categories – Thinking, Working and Relating.

The Assess system provides an objective way to measure individuals against the behaviours critical to organizational success and can be used to improve the following processes:

  • Selection – Providing a clear target for hiring practices will improve the likelihood of hiring the right person for the right job
  • Development – Making development actionable and understandable by providing developmental activities that are linked to skills, knowledge and characteristics that will lead to optimal performance
  • Training – linking training to competencies (success), maximizing the return on investment of training dollars
  • Performance Improvement – clarifying work expectations using a common language and linking competencies to goals
  • Succession Planning – adding objectivity in determining readiness for a role; identifying gaps and focusing training and development to help close those gaps.

Already Have a Model?

Take our Competency Modeling Quiz to determine whether or not you can benefit by mapping your competencies to our Assess competency library or contact us.
