Competency Modeling Quiz

Competency Modeling Quiz

by opt-assess

Competency Modeling Quiz

Have you spent a great deal of time developing a competency model, internally or with the help of external consultants only to find that you cannot realize the expected benefits?

Here are some questions to ask to determine whether or not you can benefit by mapping your competencies to our ASSESS competency library.

  1.  Can your model be integrated into the selection process to reduce hiring mistakes?
  2. Can you measure the presence of the competencies with any level of confidence?
  3. Once you measure, are you able to link the developmental needs to training programs (internal or external)?
  4. Can you generate group competency reports to determine strengths and weaknesses of your group?
  5. Are you able to provide a common language and coaching to your employees that is specifically tied to competencies?
  6. Is your third party evaluation process (360º Feedback) linked to competencies?
  7. Can you measure employees against the competencies that relate to their existing level and higher levels for succession planning purposes?
  8. Does it recognize that the ‘right amount’ of a certain personality trait varies by competency?

If you answered “NO” to any of the question above, you could benefit by linking your competencies to the ASSESS competency library.

The good news is that any work that you have already completed forms the basis of future work. The even better news is that once your competencies have been uploaded into the ASSESS system you can run reports that link personality traits to competencies.

To learn more about competency modeling, please Contact us.
