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Corporate HR

Corporate HR and Business Leaders

Our corporate clients like the fact that we provide integrated but modular solutions. They appreciate the completeness of the system and the flexibility of being able to focus on their immediate needs.

Corporate HR and Business Leaders Use our Solutions:

  • To create success models and to have an objective way to measure new and existing team members against these models
  • To increase their chances of hiring the right people
  • To effectively develop their most important asset - their people
  • To add objectivity to their succession planning process
  • To improve team individual and team performance

To learn more about these benefits click Optimal Performance Process on the side menu bar or visit our home page.

To learn more about our unique certification process, please see our Certification page.

If you are interested in more information on how to hire and develop excellent consultative sales professionals, please go to our product section and click on “SalesMax”.

For cost effective tools to help you select the best entry-level candidates, we recommend our Select Associate Screening System— a family of related tests designed to measure important, work-related, personality characteristics in applicants for entry-level jobs.

Contact us to learn more about how to improve your total selection process.

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Assess (TM) Systems

Assess™ Overview

Built specifically for business, Assess™ ensures you hire the best people, get the best out of them and get them ready for future roles. Assess™ has the highest level of workplace validation and applies to all major points in an employee’s lifecycle;

  1. Hiring
  2. Onboarding
  3. Performance Improvement
  4. Team Effectiveness
  5. Succession Planning

The first step is to create a competency (success) model.

  • Create a model from scratch using our Assess™ library
  • Mapping an existing model to competencies in the Assess™ library
  • Use one of our 5 pre-established models outlined in General Competency Models (PDF) 

Once the competency model is defined, you can measure both individuals and teams against your model to improve both individual and team performance. A number of individual and group reports are available in Assess™. Brief descriptions of reports follow. To see a full list of Assess™ Reports available by category, see ASSESS-Reports-by-Category.pdf.

Assess™ Reports (Individual) – Personal Effectiveness

Use Assess for Selection (Hiring)

 ASSESS™ Selection Reports identify the personality traits of a candidate that are likely to help/hinder the individual’s ability to be successful in a given role. The report helps to focus a behavioural interview by providing questions specifically linked to competencies plus unique questions based on the candidate’s results.

The report also includes management suggestions or coaching tips, which can be used if the candidate is hired.

Hire based on a complete picture of competencies defined for success.

The result – increase the probability of hiring candidates that will succeed - lower hiring costs, higher retention and better performance.

Use Assess for Personal Development and Coaching

ASSESS™ Development Reports provide an in-depth evaluation of a candidate’s assets and liabilities in relation to the needed competencies for a given role. The report provides development suggestions, books to read and courses to take in order to facilitate the coaching process and improve performance.

 ASSESS™ 360 Reports can provide additional perspective and enhance the development process. This report includes a detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of how the individual and other team members (boss, direct reports, peers, etc…) view the individual’s behaviour and performance. The printed report will provide developmental suggestions for some of the candidate’s lowest rated competencies. Additional development suggestions for each of the competencies will be available on-line.

ASSESS™ Focus 360 is an abbreviated 360 module, which measures observed changes for a group of targeted behaviours selected by an employee and their leader. It is designed to further enhance coaching and development.


Assess™ Group Reports – Enhance Team Effectiveness

Use Assess™ for Team Development

ASSESS™ Group Summary Reports provide aggregate data for group(s) of participant's. Summary reports include information such as: most frequent developmental suggestions; overall "fit" of the group with their competency model, and average score of the group on ASSESS™ personality dimensions. This information may be used to target training and improve team performance.

The Team Effectiveness (Comparison) Plots display the results of selected individuals (pairs or groups) on combinations of ASSESS™ characteristics. The impact of each individual's "style" on team effectiveness can be explored through our 17 standard comparisons or customized plots can be created. Comparison Plots can aid in helping pairs or teams to recognize similarities and differences, understand potential strengths and potential weakness, and develop a team plan to increase group effectiveness.

ASSESS™ Group 360 Reports show aggregate results for all individuals for whom a 360 was generated and that were rated against the same model. It is also designed to help improve team performance and complements both the ASSESS™ group Summary Reports and Team Effectiveness plots.

We would be pleased to discuss how you can improve any of these processes by using Assess. Please contact us.

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Define Success

Define Success

Looking to Create A Model for Organizational Success

Assess Competency Modeling or Strategic Success Modeling (SSM) is a process by which an organization can easily develop a targeted competency model for a position or group of positions, or can update an existing competency model.

Use our unique process to translate business strategy in HR practices – using a common language to define the behaviours that are necessary to successfully execute strategy.



Business Strategy

With the Optimal Assessment Process and the Assess suite of tools, once a competency model has been created it can be loaded into the Assess on-line system. Candidates – both internal and external can log into the system and complete Assess, a business assessment instrument that measures 24 personality traits in three major categories – Thinking, Working and Relating.

The Assess system provides an objective way to measure individuals against the behaviours critical to organizational success and can be used to improve the following processes:

  • Selection – Providing a clear target for hiring practices will improve the likelihood of hiring the right person for the right job
  • Development – Making development actionable and understandable by providing developmental activities that are linked to skills, knowledge and characteristics that will lead to optimal performance
  • Training – linking training to competencies (success), maximizing the return on investment of training dollars
  • Performance Improvement – clarifying work expectations using a common language and linking competencies to goals
  • Succession Planning – adding objectivity in determining readiness for a role; identifying gaps and focusing training and development to help close those gaps.

Already Have a Model?

Take our Competency Modeling Quiz to determine whether or not you can benefit by mapping your competencies to our Assess competency library or contact us.

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Assess Certification

ASSESS In-Depth Certification

We know that your schedule is hectic and your time is limited. We do our best to adapt our certification process to your needs and your schedule.

For coaches, executive search firms, and HR/OD consultants we also provide insight into how to effectively use the tools and expand your practice.

We also offer in-house certification allowing you and your team members the opportunity to tailor your learning to what is most relevant for your organization.

What makes our certification process unique is our commitment to service our clients. We provide follow-up coaching and advisory services to make sure that the tools are being used effectively and so that all of our clients achieve the best possible results.

ASSESS Workshops

During our workshops you will learn how to enhance the use of ASSESS with your clients or within your organization. We focus on the following:

  • Understanding ASSESS characteristics and profile interpretation
  • Learning how to use ASSESS to hire the best candidates
  • Leveraging the power of ASSESS for one-on-one coaching or group workshops, including modules for
    • Career Development Workshops
    • Coaching & Leadership Development
    • Developing Teams
  • All participants receive their own ASSESS development report to enhance the learning process and for personal improvement.

For more information about certification and pricing please contact us.

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Performance Improvement

Improve Performance

Give Your Leaders the Tools to Measure What Matters

Performance Improvement

Even when goals are clearly defined, leaders provide little feedback and coaching. They do this annually often as a result of a requirement imposed on them (annual review, bonus calculations, etc…) Many leaders are not equipped to provide effective feedback.

The Assess system helps leaders understand the connection between goals and the behaviours that are necessary to accomplish those goals.

Stage 1 of the OAP™ "Defining Success" shows how strategy and outcomes can be linked to behaviours that are necessary for success. Providing leaders and their team members with an ability to define what will be monitored and evaluated as part of the performance management process.

This common language is used as a framework for on-going coaching and performance improvement. Feedback can now be immediate, specific, non personal and it can highlight both positive and negative behaviours.

  • ASSESS Development provides an in-depth evaluation of a candidate’s assets and liabilities in relation to the needed competencies for a given role. The report provides the candidate with development suggestions, books to read and courses to take in order to facilitate the coaching process and improve performance.
  • The ASSESS 360° can provide additional perspective and enhance the development process. Focus 360, an abbreviated 360 module, which measures observed changes for a group of targeted behaviours selected by an employee and their leader, further enhances coaching and development.

To learn more about how to incorporate Assess into your performance improvement process please contact us.

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SalesMax was designed and validated to help organizations identify and develop top performers in consultative sales roles.

SalesMax Delivers Results

  • Candidates with top scores on SalesMax produce at 121% of average.
  •  84% of poor performers are screened out using SalesMax.

What is SalesMax?

SalesMax is a state-of-the-art, web-based system that produces comprehensive reports to assist in the selection and development of professional sales people.

The SalesMax System provides immediate testing, evaluation and reporting from an internet connection.

What does SalesMax Measure?

Personality traits and sales knowledge that contribute to effectiveness in a sales role, specifically:

  • Sales Personality - All are work-related traits that have direct applicability to sales positions.
  • Sales Knowledge - Evaluates the candidate's understanding of effective behaviours and strategies at key stages of the sales cycle. The emphasis is on consultative and relationship-oriented sales.
  • Sales Motivations - The relative strength of eight sources of personal motivation to help to manage and motivate the candidate, if hired.

Why Use SalesMax?

Hire Better Talent

Everyone has made hiring mistakes.

Use SalesMax to minimize poor hires and focus on hiring individuals with natural sales ability.

SalesMax Selection Reports provide the following information to help evaluate candidates:

Develop Your Current Sales Team Members

To assist in Development, the SalesMax Development Report provides:

To learn more about how SalesMax can help your organization please contact us.


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Contact Us

Contact page

We invite you to email us at for more information, or use the form below.

We are committed to respecting your privacy, and we do not and will not loan, rent, sell or otherwise provide your information to anyone for any purpose.


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    Please select the information you would like us to send, or enter your comments in the box below

    ASSESSSELECTSuccession PlanningCertificationTaking Assessment In-houseSalesMaxBecome a ResellerTeam BuildingCompetency (Success) ModelingIntegration Coaching

    Any further questions?

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    About Us

    Optimal Assessments and Consulting provides our clients with the best assessment tools in the market, along with unique solutions to improve individual and team performance including executive coaching and leadership development, competency (success) modeling, and facilitation expertise.

    Optimal Assessments and Consulting Inc. is a Canadian distributor of Assess Systems. We provide our clients with knowledge and training for state-of-the art assessment tools, which provide the following benefits:

    • Ability to measure performance and target areas for improvement at both the individual and team level
    • Clarity of expectations and focus for employees
    • Improved hiring efficiencies based on fit with success model and your existing team
    • Quicker integration of new employees
    • Targeted training and employee development
    • Improved team effectiveness and dynamics
    • Increased objectivity in the succession planning process
    • Enhanced coaching capability

    About Optimal AssessmentsTo learn more about our unique process please visit our home page which describes our proprietary Optimal Assessment Process™ of employee engagement.

    We are committed to ensuring our clients receive comprehensive certification and the best follow up service. We ensure that everyone who gets trained can quickly begin delivering value to their organizations or clients.
