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Hiring Process

Hire the Best

Looking for a way to increase your chances of hiring the best candidates?

Hire the BestThere are a variety of tools in the market that help you identify how costly it is when you make a poor hiring decision. The bottom line is that this cost can range from 6 months to over one year of the applicant’s salary and benefits in direct costs alone. The indirect costs — the additional turnover caused by the hiring, the effect on morale, the decrease in team effectiveness — are much harder to quantify.

Studies beginning as far back as the 1980’s have shown that personality has a much larger effect on performance than previously thought.

Our suite of selection tools will allow you to better understand the personality characteristics of potential candidates. This will increase your probability of success when making a hiring decision and will also provide you with a way to effectively integrate new hires into your organization.

  • Want to hire the best individual contributors, managers, and executives? Learn more about Assess Selection
  • Looking to hire the best consultative salespeople? See the benefits of using SalesMax
  • Want to quickly screen for characteristics linked to success in associate level positions? Learn more about the SELECT Associate screening system


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Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Evaluate Your Bench Strength Using Objective Measures

Succession Planning is the process of developing talent to meet the needs of an organization now and into the future.

In order for a Succession Planning process to be successful, leaders must think about aligning staffing and leadership needs to current and future strategic objectives.

The Essential Components of an Effective Success Planning Program


Succession Planning



How Can the Assess Suite of Tools Enhance the Succession Planning Process?

With Assess you can clarify the skills, knowledge and characteristics required for current and future roles; add objectivity in determining readiness for a role and identify gaps and help to focus training and development. Organizations can measure their bench strength and hire more strategically.

Once the purpose and objectives (points 1 and 2 above) of a Succession Planning process are identified, the following can take place:

  1. In Stage 1 of the OAP™, an organization will define success for now and for the future.
  2. Establish a way to measure the competencies. ASSESS 360 and Focus 360 all provide ways to measure the behaviours associated with the competencies that have been defined for success, identify gaps and provide development suggestions.
  3.  An objective way to measure potential and to close any existing gaps. ASSESS Development reports can enhance existing methods of measuring potential, by benchmarking candidates against current and future roles.
  4. A way to Evaluate Results. Candidates can continue to be evaluated using the entire ASSESS Suite to monitor progress, enhance development and improve performance.

To learn how to add objectivity to your succession planning process, contact us.

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Optimal Assessments & Consulting

Welcome to Optimal Assessments

Data-Informed Hiring
Data-Informed Coaching
Data-Informed Talent Mapping

Optimal Assessments & Consulting is an authorized distributor of the Assess™  suite of on-line assessment tools. The Assess™ system ensures you hire the best people, get the most out of them and get them ready for future roles. The Assess™ tools have the highest level of workplace validation and apply to all major points within an employee lifecycle.

Our cutting edge assessment tools and unique process help measure individuals and teams against the success models to improve performance.

Define Success.....Measure.....Improve!

The Optimal Assessment Process™

Optimal Success Process

Benefits of using the OAP™ (Optimal Assessment Process)

  • Measure performance and target areas for improvement
  • Improved hiring efficiencies
  • Quick integration of new employees
  • Targeted training
  • Improved team effectiveness
  • Increased objectivity in the succession planning process
  • Enhanced coaching capability
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ASSESS™ Systems


Built specifically for business, ASSESS ensures you hire the best people, get the best out of them and get them ready for future roles.


ASSESS™ is the only assessment tool you will find in the marketplace that combines the highest level of workplace validation and applies to all major points within an employee lifecycle:

ASSESS™ is an assessment tool specifically designed for the workplace. It’s not just looking at personality but specifically how personality positively and negatively impacts performance on the job.

  • Only measures work-related personality traits (24 of them)
  • Has the highest level of validation - Criterion-Related Validity – this means that results of the survey can be directly linked to performance in a role.
  • Reports allow you to hone in on specific root causes of what will positively or negatively impact performance
  • Coaching reports are complete with development suggestions – books to read and courses to take in order to improve performance
  • Does not discriminate based on age, gender or ethnicity.
  • Is used in over 42 countries, has been translated into 16 languages and has been used for workplace assessment since the 1940’s, with continuous improvement and re-validation.