Assess Focus 360

Assess Focus 360

by opt-assess

ASSESS Focus 360

Have you ever wondered whether feedback and coaching led to changes in behaviour?

Focus 360 is an abbreviated 360 module, which measures observed changes for a group of targeted behaviours selected by an employee and their leader, further enhances coaching and development.

  • ASSESS 360 helps to identify key strengths and development areas and helps individuals create and action plan for performance improvement.
  • With Focus 360, an individual and their leader can select from behaviours that they would like to RE-MEASURE 6 or 9 months after an initial review period to check for progress.
  • Focus 360 will identify changes in behaviour and also provides reviewers with an opportunity to enter feedback to further enhance the development process.

View a sample ASSESS Focus 360 report.

To learn more about Focus 360, please contact us.
