
by opt-assess opt-assess No Comments

Executive Recruiters

Executive Search Consultants Use our Solutions…

  • To work collaboratively with their clients to identify the knowledge, skills and experience required for success (Create a success model).
  • To measure qualified candidates against the clients success model (Using Assess Selection) to determine best fit and reduce the probability of a bad hire
  • To further increase the likelihood of success by providing integration coaching to help clients “hit the ground running”
  • To help their clients answer the million dollar question, “Can I work with the individual and will they fit in with my team and organization?”

To learn more about these benefits visit our home page.

To learn more about our unique certification process, please see our Certification page.

If you are interested in more information on how to hire excellent consultative sales professionals, please go to our product section and click on “SalesMax”.

by opt-assess opt-assess No Comments

Team Effectiveness

Team Effectiveness

Assess Team Effectiveness

Evaluate, Develop and Align Your People for Success

  • How do you integrate new members into a team?
  • How do you know what the chemistry will be like when new members join a team?
  • Are you equipped to identify and leverage team strengths?
  • How do you determine what developmental needs exist in your teams?

Personality has a much bigger impact on performance than what was previously thought. And individual personalities have a direct impact on the display of competencies and on how effectively teams perform.

Once all of the members of a team have completed the Assess Survey you will be able to:

Create Team Effectiveness Plots

  • See which personality traits will have the greatest impact on success
  • Facilitating integration of new and existing team members
  • Create strategies to avoid conflict and enhance cooperation

See Team Effectiveness Plots (Pdf format)

Create Group Summary Report provides information such as:

  • Most frequent developmental suggestions
  • Overall "fit" of the group with their competency model
  • Average score of the group on Assess personality dimensions

This information may be used to target training and improve team performance.

See Group Summary Report (pdf format)

To learn more about how Assess can help you understand team dynamic and identify ways to improve team performance, please contact us for more information.
