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Personal Development

Use ASSESS for Personal Development and Coaching

personal development

ASSESS™ Development Reports provide an in-depth evaluation of a candidate’s assets and liabilities in relation to the needed competencies for a given role. The report provides development suggestions, books to read and courses to take in order to facilitate the coaching process and improve performance.

ASSESS™ 360 Reports can provide additional perspective and enhance the development process. This report includes a detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of how the individual and other team members (boss, direct reports, peers, etc…) view the individual’s behaviour and performance. The printed report will provide developmental suggestions for some of the candidate’s lowest rated competencies. Additional development suggestions for each of the competencies will be available on-line.

ASSESS™ Focus 360 is an abbreviated 360 module, which measures observed changes for a group of targeted behaviours selected by an employee and their leader. It is designed to further enhance coaching and development.

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Team Effectiveness

Team Effectiveness

Assess Team Effectiveness

Evaluate, Develop and Align Your People for Success

  • How do you integrate new members into a team?
  • How do you know what the chemistry will be like when new members join a team?
  • Are you equipped to identify and leverage team strengths?
  • How do you determine what developmental needs exist in your teams?

Personality has a much bigger impact on performance than what was previously thought. And individual personalities have a direct impact on the display of competencies and on how effectively teams perform.

Once all of the members of a team have completed the Assess Survey you will be able to:

Create Team Effectiveness Plots

  • See which personality traits will have the greatest impact on success
  • Facilitating integration of new and existing team members
  • Create strategies to avoid conflict and enhance cooperation

See Team Effectiveness Plots (Pdf format)

Create Group Summary Report provides information such as:

  • Most frequent developmental suggestions
  • Overall "fit" of the group with their competency model
  • Average score of the group on Assess personality dimensions

This information may be used to target training and improve team performance.

See Group Summary Report (pdf format)

To learn more about how Assess can help you understand team dynamic and identify ways to improve team performance, please contact us for more information.

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Succession Planning

Succession Planning

Evaluate Your Bench Strength Using Objective Measures

Succession Planning is the process of developing talent to meet the needs of an organization now and into the future.

In order for a Succession Planning process to be successful, leaders must think about aligning staffing and leadership needs to current and future strategic objectives.

The Essential Components of an Effective Success Planning Program


Succession Planning



How Can the Assess Suite of Tools Enhance the Succession Planning Process?

With Assess you can clarify the skills, knowledge and characteristics required for current and future roles; add objectivity in determining readiness for a role and identify gaps and help to focus training and development. Organizations can measure their bench strength and hire more strategically.

Once the purpose and objectives (points 1 and 2 above) of a Succession Planning process are identified, the following can take place:

  1. In Stage 1 of the OAP™, an organization will define success for now and for the future.
  2. Establish a way to measure the competencies. ASSESS 360 and Focus 360 all provide ways to measure the behaviours associated with the competencies that have been defined for success, identify gaps and provide development suggestions.
  3.  An objective way to measure potential and to close any existing gaps. ASSESS Development reports can enhance existing methods of measuring potential, by benchmarking candidates against current and future roles.
  4. A way to Evaluate Results. Candidates can continue to be evaluated using the entire ASSESS Suite to monitor progress, enhance development and improve performance.

To learn how to add objectivity to your succession planning process, contact us.
