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Personal Effectiveness

ASSESS™ Reports (Individual) – Personal Effectiveness

Personal Effectiveness

Use ASSESS for Selection (Hiring)

ASSESS™ Selection Reports identify the personality traits of a candidate that are likely to help/hinder the individual’s ability to be successful in a given role. The report helps to focus a behavioural interview by providing questions specifically linked to competencies plus unique questions based on the candidate’s results.

The report also includes management suggestions or coaching tips, which can be used if the candidate is hired.

Hire based on a complete picture of competencies defined for success.

The result – increase the probability of hiring candidates that will succeed - lower hiring costs, higher retention and better performance.

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ASSESS™ Systems


Built specifically for business, ASSESS ensures you hire the best people, get the best out of them and get them ready for future roles.


ASSESS™ is the only assessment tool you will find in the marketplace that combines the highest level of workplace validation and applies to all major points within an employee lifecycle:

ASSESS™ is an assessment tool specifically designed for the workplace. It’s not just looking at personality but specifically how personality positively and negatively impacts performance on the job.

  • Only measures work-related personality traits (24 of them)
  • Has the highest level of validation - Criterion-Related Validity – this means that results of the survey can be directly linked to performance in a role.
  • Reports allow you to hone in on specific root causes of what will positively or negatively impact performance
  • Coaching reports are complete with development suggestions – books to read and courses to take in order to improve performance
  • Does not discriminate based on age, gender or ethnicity.
  • Is used in over 42 countries, has been translated into 16 languages and has been used for workplace assessment since the 1940’s, with continuous improvement and re-validation.